Before signing up for the study, we recommend you read through these information pages to know if it is suitable for you.
You can sign up for treatment by following these steps:
Register your email address by clicking on "Register" in the top right of the menu bar.
You will then receive a first email message from containing a link. Click on the link in the message to confirm your email address.
When you confirm your email address you will receive your personal study code, save this code.
You will now also be instructed to complete a two questionnaires about your life situation around Corona and how you feel. These should take about 20-30 minutes altogether to complete.
After completing the qustionnaires, half of the study participants will be randomly assigned to start the program immediately, while the other half will have to wait 6 weeks before starting the program. This is done in order to be able to compare the effect of the treatment with those who are waiting for the treatment. You will get information about your continuation in the study and clear information how to choose a password and login to access the program.
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Try adding the email address "" as a trusted sender to your email program and check your spam folder. Sometimes it may take up to a few hours for the email to arrive.